Are the next CFOs being hired from RevOps?

In conversation with Amy Osmond Cook, Co Founder and CMO of Fullcast

Hi and Hello!

Jared and Karthi here from Audience Haus. 

J: This week, Karthi is taking over the newsletter like she did with the podcast. If you watch the podcast, you will understand what I am talking about. 

K: Thanks, Jared. By the way, I want to tell you guys that Jared officially announced me as CEO on the podcast, so the reins are in my hand. 

Just kidding, guys! It’s just that I am so excited about this week’s guest that I can’t stop talking about her. 

So, this week we are talking to an amazing woman co-founder. I get very excited about women in tech and when they are as amazing as our guest this week, I just can’t keep calm.

So, drum roll and cue the entry music by ACDC!

Introducing Amy Osmond Cook, CMO and Co-Founder of Fullcast and the birthday girl!

Fullcast has been an amazing tool in the market for a few years but Amy and her co-founders acquired the company a year ago. 

You guys are probably ready to predict our next question - tell us about your company. Guess what? That’s the question we didn’t start with this time. Ha ha ha. Got you there, didn’t we?

Given that for the first time, we had a founder who didn’t actually start the company but acquired it after the company had been in existence for a few years, we decided to use this opportunity to get the lowdown on what they were looking for when they came across Fullcast. 

Do you want to guess how many companies Amy and her co-founders looked at before they decided on Fullcast? Give it a shot. I am going to take on the role of a talk show host and give you 4 options to pick from. Your options are:

a)Less than 10 
b)Between 10 and 25 
c) 50 - 100
d) 100+

Have you got your guesses in? The correct answer to this is…. Not so fast! Hang on until the end of this newsletter to find out if your guess is correct. 

What should the ideal profile of a co-founder be? Is there such a thing as a guarantee for success when you take over a new company? I deep dived into this one with Amy and she talked about how each of her co-founders comes from a different background of expertise in not just founding and running a company but the go-to-market verticals as well. 

And Amy dropped knowledge on what are the factors and metrics you should be looking at - big time! She spoke about product market fit and how it is important that you find a product that is differentiated and has an open space in the market. 

I have always been curious - how true is the adage that too many cooks spoil the broth? Hold on… I haven’t taken a detour into idioms and metaphors here - this is an authentic question I had for Amy. Did you know Fullcast has 6 co-founders now? Amy and 3 more co-founders came on board in addition to the original 2 co-founders. 6 people at the head - how does that work?

Amy had an answer for me! Amy has an answer for everything - that’s how awesome she is. And I should know - I have heard her speaking on customer panels at Go-to-Market events. And it was an incredibly simple answer - one word - Trust. She talks about the Patrick Lencioni pyramid model which is based on the foundation of trust. And how when you have the advantage of trust in your co-founders, you can achieve anything together no matter how many cooks are at the work. 

And that’s a good thing - more good cooks at the wok means more good dishes coming out to the users at the same time! Now, wouldn’t that be an amazing thing???

And now, to give credit where it’s due - Jared asked some interesting questions as well. I have to admit I am fascinated by the way he phrases some of his questions. And to show what I mean, here’s one of the questions.

I am quoting him now : “Taking someone else’s baby and making it your own.” Before you go up in arms, Jared was talking about acquiring a company founded by someone else and then implementing your strategies and ideas on it. I think that was a very clever way of putting it. 

And Amy gave us a very precise answer about how that process shapes out - beginning from lots and lots of customer reviews before the acquisition to the metrics they look out and the kind of experts they consult with before and after the acquisition. 

So, what Amy said can basically be consolidated into these points:

Now, this is the third edition of the newsletter and if you are a subscriber, you know what you have to do to find out what Amy told us. 


Subscribe and become a part of the Audience Haus community to watch this awesome podcast with Amy Cook and the many more amazing ones that are coming soon! There are more coming soon, that’s all I can tell you.